Welcome to Ari Nation

What is Ari Nation?

Fun Fact Alert!! Did you know Ari means Dedicated in Kiswahili? Loosely translated Ari Nation simply means a dedicated nation. Our dream is to find like minded dedicated individuals and corporations who have the same zeal and feverish passion to eradicate period poverty.Who understand that a postive menstrual experience is an understated yet, intergral part of a young girl's life.

In this day and age we have more women having better access to internet than they do to sanitary pads. In the same breath, there has been so much that has been done to make sure that the reality above does not stay a reality for so long we want to make it more sustainable. Simply put,we want to help more girls for longer.

We have this crazy idea. We want to account for 1 million pads in 10 years. We truly believe that the barriers young school girls face when it comes to access sanitary pads is due to lack of accountability. If we can track pads from the donor directly to the beneficiary we believe. We will be able to streamline distribution for more efficient and sustainable impact.

As a part of our Nation your contribution will help to ensure girls get their sanitary pads in a dignified and fun way. You will also help young girls finally break the "curse" that is their periods. They will finally be able to celebrate the magic that is womanhood.

We want to change the entire perspective of it and we need you to achieve this audacious goal.

Why be an Ari Nation citizen?

We show you the numbers

We spent an impressive amount of time ensuring that our system is trackable.
This means that you can truly see where our impact is, how much we are growing and how much more there needs to be done.

We are the village

We understand that girls do not live in isolation, they need a village to support them.
With your help our aim is to partner with great grass root organizations that are currently a fantastic job. We just come in to enhance already amazing work.

We really like to celebrate

We believe everything must be celebrated.Your contributions will be shared with the rest of the nation and together we will celebrate our work. We will share milestones, awards and achievements and so many more stories about the current work

Where can I help?


As a citizen of Ari Nation there are many ways you can volunteer

Volunteer your professional.
Volunteer a resource
Recruit more citizens of Ari Nation.

Be part of the council of elders

Council of elders is our way of saying board of advisors.We are looking for seasoned individuals in their fields to guide us as we work towards achieving our goals.


Donations will be used for infrastructure development

Will cover production cost
Continuous upgrading of our software.

Be a Part of Ari Nation

We love that you are interested to be part of this journey with us.
Click Apply button to fill out a form.
We will be in touch with you shortly after

What we want to achieve with #1by30


Pads accounted


machines installed


Partnerships formed